A Major, Mixolydian Mode
Genre: Other
Decade: Unknown
Submitted by: Russell Ambrose
The order of Mixolydian tones and semitones is identical to the Dominant 7th scale. In other words, the C Mixolydian mode and the C Dominant 7th scale are identical. This modern scale has the same series of tones and semitones as the major scale, except the seventh degree is a semitone lower.[1] The Mixolydian mode is sometimes called the dominant scale,[7] because it is the mode built on the fifth degree (the dominant) of the major scale.The order of tones and semitones in a Mixolydian scale is TTSTTST (T = tone; S = semitone), while the major scale is TTSTTTS. The key signature varies accordingly (it will be the same as that of the major key a fifth below).
by: Russell Ambrose